Flutter Wear OS app 🤖⌚️
Template for a Wear OS app based on the Core. It includes VGV best practices with additional setup to make Flutter apps stand out on Wear OS devices.
Read more about this app template in our blog.
App Features ✨
Condensed Layout - The layout is optimized for the small screen size of Wear OS devices.
Hooked into the Hardware - The app has a sample usage of the hardware resources of the device.
Ambient Mode - The app has a sample usage of the ambient mode of the device.
100% Test Coverage — Each line is executed at least once by a test.
Based on the Core - This project contains all the best practices of the Core.
# Create a new Wear OS app named my_wear_app
very_good create flutter_app my_wear_app --desc "My new Wear OS app" --template wear